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Re: Question
Original poster: "Terry Blake" <tb3-at-att-dot-net>
Hi Emmett,
If the secondary is wound with #26 magnet wire, it is very similar to a coil
that I built.
12"x3" toroid
13 turn 1/4" copper water tubing primary
0.02 uF Maxwell cap
15KV / 60 mA FranceFormer NST
Initially, I used just 2 pieces of copper pipe for a spark gap, and a rather
crappy primary construction. But I was able to get things fired up faster
and mke sparks. Later on I used a 7 pipe static gap. I used a maxwell
cap, but the MMCs might be easier to get hold of.
If you are on a tight budget, you could make the toroid from aluminum duct
and make the capacitors from glass bottles and saltwater.
You should be able to tune the system with your primary tap point for a
large variation in toroid sizes. But bigger toroids tend to make bigger
sparks, until they are too large to cause breakout.
You can use the WinTesla program to better understand how the various
factors interact.
Terry Blake
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 9:11 AM
Subject: Question
> Original poster: "EMMETT SECREST" <secrest2032-at-msn-dot-com>
> Hi Everyone,
> I am hoping someone will provide some insight to a beginner. I purchased
> secondary coil off of Ebay and am planning on building my first TC. I have
> been reading postings and studying everything I can find. At this point I
> just need some clarification. I think I have done this backwards by buying
> a premade secondary. If I am correct in my thinking, since the secondary
> coil is a fixed factor ( 4.5 dia. 22.5 High) I will have to play with the
> Toroid size to make the secondary resonant frequency match the frequency
> the primary circuit. I have a 12KV/60mA NST and plan on using a series
> static gap but am uncertain how many piecesof 3/4" copper tubing I shoud
> use. If someone could advise me on this or point me in the direction of an
> answer I would appreciate it.