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Re: Terrified Parents

Original poster: Koen van den Berg <cerberus_rex-at-planet.nl> 

 >Nothing compares to seeing a Master Electrician attempt to >measure 13.2KV
with a HV probe, gauntlets and the
 >works, but his assistant was holding a Simpson meter and leaning >against a
light pole. The arcs came out through the screws in the >back of the meter
and the current blew a 12" diameter hole in the >back of the assistant
killing him instantly.
 >Terror can help keep you safe!

I absolutely agree with you; being afraid of what high voltage can do to the
human body will help you to keep from becoming a charred - or at least
slightly marred - corpse. If you slip up with this stuff, any seemingly
small factor could kill you. However if you adhere strictly to your own
safety rules and procedures you should be fine, as long as you don't start
considering it as routine and get cocky. Always have somebody on hand who
can help you out if needed when using high voltage equipment. I know I've
had a couple of close shaves tinkering with MOT's. Very stupid of me!

But this... You actually saw that happening? Woah. That must be an
absolutely terrifying experience. Not to mention intense! Talk about a bolt
from the blue. (No pun intended).  Where did it happen, if I might ask? And
what line of work are you in (if the two are related)?
