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Javatc and Fantc Update

Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com> 

HELLO WORLD -  (couldn't resist)

I've updated Javatc and Fantc. The main changes are:

- Update to drawing applet for Netscape, Opera, Hotjava, (and other) 
browsers. The ability to run the drawing applet. Previously, Java Sun VM's 
couldn't run the applet (they should work fine now).  This is a big step 
because the applet was crashing  browsers (but this fact was sometimes 
hidden). All should be ok with the applets at this point. If your browser 
can't run the applets for some reason, please let me know
( classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com).

- Paul has updated Geotc to version 2.7. Both Javatc and Fantc have the new 
Geotc version loaded internally. If you've kept up with recent threads such 
as "Charge Distribution (who's main authors were Paul and Antonio), you may 
have noticed the discussions with tube rings which Antonio identified and 
Paul verified with TSSP software. Paul has written equivalents for Geotc. 
Paul has also incorporated changes between version 2.2 and 2.7 which 
incorporates improvements on C calcs, which may also speed up some analysis 
types in general. I still have to go through the new version myself to 
verify against measurement. But there comes a point where there are too 
many versions of a program loaded up on the web. I decided to keep the 
latest version in one spot. Javatc and Fantc.

- There are some browsers (old browsers, some Macs, etc..) which may have 
difficulty with some features in Javatc. For Javatc, there is now 
a  trimmed down version which is linked at the top of the main version. 
This is in a folder "www.classictesla-dot-com/java/j2/javatc.html". This may be 
better to use for older browsers. In this version I've removed try.... 
catch... statements  which is used in the input cells of Javatc. Mainly, 
Javatc has the ability to calculate equational statements in any input 
cell. In the event that "your statement" didn't ;make sense to the program, 
it would "catch that fact and alert you to what it does understand". A 
simple example: ( if you know the diameter and the input is radius, you 
could easily type the [diameter*.5] and tab out). The cell would 
immediately calc the radius. Older versions have trouble with this, thus, 
the trimmed down version doesn't include this ability. Older versions do 
not have drawing applets, however, the values output should be exactly the 
same as the main Javatc. Not a lot of difference between Javatc and 
Javatc_2. So all should work for most browsers.

- The pop-up at the beginning of the program (Welcome pop-up) has been 
removed. This has caused some problems with a few browsers. Well, it's gone 
now, so those browsers should run ok. However, at the top of each page I've 
included text to tell the users to allow the page to fully load before 
using (if you start using the program before the page is fully loaded, you 
may have script errors).

- The Arc Voltages inside the Static Gap Section has been updated. This 
section now includes "Sphere-Sphere gaps", "Sphere-Plane gaps", "Rod-Rod 
gaps" with hemispherical ends, or strait flat ends, or slightly rounded 
ends. The beginning of this investigation started with Dr. Resonance's 
spark gap measurements a couple month ago. None of these arc voltages are 
"exact", but they should make a good ballpark number for design purposes. 
All are welcome to check out and provide feedback.

Here are the online Design and Analysis java/javascript programs. Enjoy!



Take care,