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Re: Diagram software

Original poster: Matthew Smith <matt-at-kbc-dot-net.au> 

Tesla list wrote:
>Original poster: "chris swinson" <exxos-at-cps-games.co.uk>
>Hi all,
>Does anyone know of any simple to use schematic design software ? I hope 
>to publish soon my direct drive schematic though ive not got the hang of 
>any programs yet to draw it.  many if someone has the time I could draw it 
>out on paper and maybe someone draw the design up for me ? I dont have a 
>lot of free time to learn complex programs :(

Try Eagle from <http://www.cadsoft.de/>   The free version has a 
restriction on board size and number of layers (as if two wasn't good 
enough!), but has always suited me.



Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy
South Australia