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RE: John Freau's SRSG motor controller

Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>

Hi All,

I found one interesting thing one should NOT do! =:O

I was checking for high voltage at the far end of the variac to see if 
there was much autotransformer style high voltage being generated 
there.  Normally when the motor is running it is about 230 volts 
max.  Probably not a big deal.  But if one starts the motor with its big 
starting winding current draw, you get a good voltage drop across the first 
few windings and a big voltage and the far end of the variac.  My meter 
reads this voltage as "OV.".  In fact, that is all the ol' 27XT reads now 
all the time!! :-((    So the end voltage was well over 1000V peak and 
enough energy to return the meter's silicon back into its natural state of 

Perhaps a big MOV at the end of the variac is a good idea.  One may be able 
to arc the end windings if nothing is done.

If anyone needs any "parts" (older blue/yellow case) for a Wavetek 27XT, 
write me ;-))  I have a fresh new one on order ;-))

