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DRSSTC -- EMI scope problems

Original poster: "jimmy hynes by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <chunkyboy86-at-yahoo-dot-com>

My DRSSTC is working at low voltage now, but I do not want to crank up the 
voltage without making some measurements. Here is a picture of my setup 
The magnetic field from the primary is freakin' out the scope when the 
supply voltage is only 20 volts! 
The noise on the scope doesn't change when I change the voltage dial 
thingy. The probes aren't long enough to move the scope, but when I turn 
the scope on its side, it gets better. The way it is now, I can attach some 
probes to the scope without noise, but when I touch the scope ground to the 
micro's ground, I get more noise!

Is there any way to make good measurements with the 60khz magnetic field, 
or do I just have to hope it doesn't blow up?
