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Re: Quad SSTC
Original poster: "Stephen Conner by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <steve-at-scopeboy-dot-com>
At 08:29 10/06/03 -0600, you wrote:
>Original poster: "Peter Terren by way of Terry Fritz
><teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <pterren-at-iinet-dot-net.au>
>Hi Alan
>I am extremely impressed by your quad coil. Any thoughts of a V8?
I think the quad coil, hexa coil, etc, are all very impressive, but
personally if I had enough cash/time to build four small SSTCs, I would
blow it all on one giant SSTC instead... which is kind of what I'm doing
just now, I suppose. I guess Alan is fed up with massive coils, though,
having already achieved 10 foot sparks.
P.S. Check out the news report and pics from the 2003 UK Teslathon:
Steve C.