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Toroid breakthrough and next steps
Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <Pomnept-at-aol-dot-com>
Thanks to all who helped!
I invested in an MMC and my toroid is finally spitting sparks. They are not
record breaking, but are most impressive to my novice self.
My question:
I have a bunch of brass 2'' x 5/8" cylinders and am considering making a
sucker gap. Does anybody have ideas or plans about such a gap? Can a sucker
just be a cylindrical gap with a vacuum motor attached? I already have made a
shabby cyl. gap. and need something better. Any ideas are highsy valued.
Also, can anybody direct me to a site with good plans for a SRSG . I only
have the most primitive of tools ( drillpress, jigsaw, ) and very little
(so far.)
Thanks a lot!
Robert Hanford