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Re: making a motor synch?
Original poster: "Mark Broker by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <mbroker-at-thegeekgroup-dot-org>
David, the sound you describe is probably the hunting noise made when the
motor is NOT syncing properly. How much material did you remove? You may
need to remove some more.
If available, a monitor can be set to a 60Hz refresh rate. A TV's vertical
scan rate (similar to a monitor's refresh rate) is about 60 Hz
(59.something). It would be hard to see a disc from the light of a monitor
or TV, but your painted lexan disc would work quite well ;) I once ran my
coil out on a street corner in the city (remember that one, Boden? ;) ) and
was able to see the elctrodes sweeping out about a 45 degree arc,
presumably due to the sodium street lights.
Mark Broker
Chief Engineer, The Geek Group
On Sat, 31 May 2003 20:38:32 -0600, Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
>Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>
>Hi David,
>I am not sure the wa-wa-wa-wa sound is right. That may be the motor
>slipping sync. The files you seek are at:
>You almost need a card the is half black and half white to see the
>sync. Flourescent lights or pretty sluggish so you need a very clear
>pattern for it to show up.
>At 10:24 PM 5/31/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I decided to try to redo the ASRG of my big coil and try to
>>go sync with the motor. I took the motor apart and ground
>>2 flats on the rotor (3450 rpm) and then slapped it back to-
>>gether. I tried the paint marks on the disc attached to the
>>shaft (was one of the original RSG lexan disc). I turned it
>>on under flourescent lights of my shop but could not spot
>>the white paint marks on the disc. Did hear the motor mak-
>>ing a wa-wa-wa-wa sound though. Does this mean that she
>>is synching? The motor does seem to have less torque and
>>also seems to get pretty warm to the touch with just a few
>>minutes of operation like this. I know many have stated
>>that it's really hard to get the strobe affect under flourescent
>>lights. Also some have stated to just place a temporary
>>cardboard disc on the shaft for strobing. Anyway, I was also
>>planning on replacing the lexan discs and 3/8" brass allthread
>>rotory electrodes w/ G-10 disc and 1/4" tungsten rotory elec-
>>trodes. I will probably have to have the G-10 disc cut out by
>>someone with good machining facilities as I certainly don't
>>have that myself.