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Re: High Voltage but Low Current fuses...

Original poster: "Crow Leader by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <tesla-at-lists.symmetric-dot-net>

If the intention is to meaure signals in high energy circuits, why not make
gigantic dividers that's don't burn out in the first place? Take a look at
what Hipotronics and Ross Engineering sell. They are not a few surface mount
resistors and some complex fuse. They are large fierce devices with huge
parts that aren't going to short out of blow up if there is a surge in the
first place.

The smaller high voltage probe I've seen to even measuring 60Hz AC for more
powerful things than say a TV set is a stick a few feet long. How small will
these probes be? Without large creepage distances, they will inherently be
dangerous to start with whether or not they can or cannot destroy your


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: High Voltage but Low Current fuses...

 > Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>
 > Hi Dan,
 > At 11:12 PM 7/17/2003 -0400, you wrote:
 > >I'm still very confused to why you are worrying about providing high
 > >fuses for the differential probes.  The first stage of your differential
 > >probe should be
 > >a very high impedance divider on the order of 1Meg up to 100Meg (assuming
 > >pure resistance now) depending on the voltage being used.  You should not
 > >providing
 > >any type of fusing or transient suppression until after this divider.
 > Unlike "normal" uses for diff probes, users "here" might connect them to
 > NSTs, pole pigs, MOT circuits held together with duct tape...  We may be
 > measuring a 20 volt gate signal in a 20kV IGBT array...  Or, we may be
 > monitoring IGBT gate voltage while running the IGBT at 1000% of it's Ic
 > rating ;-))  In other words, We ain't normal folks :o))
 > If I hook my Tek diff probe to a MOT, it will make a very pretty and
 > expensive fire.  The sudden application of a 20 kV impulse cap to the
 > will tear right though the divider crap of a normal diff probe.  All I am
 > trying to do is harden the probe.  To increase the chance of survival (of
 > the scope) if instead of it seeing a 20V gate signal riding on 500V,
 > suppose it has to suck down a 20000V 20 Joule hit!!  Or eat the output of
 > 60,000V 10,000A hit from my Lichtenberg project!!
 > >Therefore, there is no need for a high voltage fuse etc...  If you look
 > >any run-of-the-mill differential probes made
 > >by Tektronix or similar, they are all built this way.  Remember, you
 > >have a 1000:1 divider, so a 10,000V transient spike would only look like
 > >at the output of this stage.
 > No, it will arc right through the dividers, fry them like ants...  Tek
 > probes would then require a "replacement module"...  I have seen a fair
 > number of very nice Tek, HP, and Agilent devices fried like bacon...  In
 > one case, the only recognizable part the was left just showed the number
 > the lab we borrowed it from ;-))  I have seen HP34401 multimeters "float"
 > around the lab fueled by flame spewing out the bottom...  Fluke data
 > loggers give off a very distinctive odor when fried...  I once handed an
 > intern an HP 34970a data logger exposed to 1200 volts and asked him to
 > salvage the usable parts.  He returned the line cord, handle, and the two
 > rubber parts on the ends.  He reported that the insides were "cremated to
 > the max!!"...   Many times I have loaned things out to people only to have
 > them return saying "Terry!  %^#%, I sure am sorry!!  I am filling out a PO
 > for a new one for you right now..."  I too have gone to the lab with PO in
 > hand just writing the part numbers down after an "event"...
 > So I am trying to "increase" the chance of scope survival (mine cost "me"
 > $3800) in the case of "the probe is in a ball of plasma" event...
 > Our little probe idea costs 1/40 of two Tek probes that does the same
 > thing.  They may be put together by "anyone" without and CE certified
 > testing....  We just have to try and make them much more bullet proof than
 > the average probe...
 > >If say 5V was
 > >the limit going into your differential amplifiers etc..., then a clamp /
 > >suppression network at 5V would suffice here.
 > Got any 5 volt clamps that can take the 20000V,  25amp shorted pole pig
 > "input" ;o))
 > We can't protect against "everything", but we can "try" to protect against
 > the "expected"...
 > Cheers,
 >          Terry