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Faraday Cage Update

Original poster: "Harold Weiss by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <hweiss-at-new.rr-dot-com>

Hi All,

I got the walls and ceiling done, and bolted together.  I checked the 
resistance from center of screen to the same on all panels, and found I 
could only get that which I get when I short the leads together, or .2 
OHM.  The 1" chicken wire is bound to the copper pipe frames with nylon 
wire ties.  I wish I had a cable tie gun for this, as after 1400 ties, I 
have blisters.  I left some overlap on the panels to plug the gaps between 
the pipes at the corners.  Now comes the fun part of trimming these loose 
ends and twisting them together.  I will have to wait, I think, to drive 
the gruond rod.  OH! while shopping for cage parts I found these cute 
little 2' ground rods for telephone/satellite grounds.  Cute but useless 
when frost can hit 18-24".  So far this project has cost about $250 and 
with the filters for the cable passthru, it should run about $350.  I am 
also building a set of "Terry" antennas for the cage, which should be handy 
for testing the cage also.

David E Weiss