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Re: new single 833A VTTC and OZONE

Original poster: dhmccauley-at-spacecatlighting-dot-com 

I know what it is.  I believe the environmentalists state it is odorless,
because when ozone is present in the air we breathe, we typically cannot
smell it because of
the low concentrations.  However, when they do put out ozone alerts, the
concentrations are high enough to be harmful.  But their point is, that when
they do
issue ozone alerts (which is frequent here on the East Coast) during heat
waves the ozone is odorless (due to low concentrations)

Ozone may have an odor, but the majority of the odors from tesla coiling are
primarily due to the nitrous oxides.  These nitrous oxides are just as
hazardous and responsible for
the long lingering odors after a tesla coil run.
Ozone by its very nature is *extremely* reactive.  And because of this, it
is very short lived compared to that of the nitrous oxides produced.


 > I clicked the link you offered and my subjective impression from viewing
 > first four links only is that environmental groups with an agenda don't
 > about the facts.  One victim of their stridency is the statement that
 > has no odor.  I can't possibly explain how this lie furthers their agenda.
 > The more the mysterious. You would think that they would support innocuous
 > truths to lend credibility to the times when they lie.  Check out sites
 > dedicated to science (i.e. the truth) and see what they say.
 > I would like to state here that science doesn't have a monopoly on truth,
 > but when it is wrong, it eventually self corrects.  No other system can
 > claim this feature.
 > Why should we talk about whether ozone has an odor?  Because if our hobby
 > generates a poisonous gas, we all should be totally aware how dangerous it
 > is and of every method available to detect it.
 >  >
 >  > Yes, but you can do a likewise search and see all the listings stating
 > ozone
 >  > *is* odorless.
 >  > The following search lists all the sources confirming the odorless
 >  > Since we have so many contradicting sources, i wonder what the real
 >  > is . . . .
 >  >
 >  > http://www.google-dot-com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=odorless+ozone
 >  >
 >  > Dan
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > >  > NO!  You are smelling the various nitrous oxides.  Ozone is an
 > odorless
 >  > > gas.
 >  > >  > The nitrous oxides produce that biting
 >  > >  > smell people most often refer to ozone.
 >  > >
 >  > >
 >  > >      I disagree.  Ozone has a distinct odor.  Lots of other sources
 >  > confirm
 >  > > this.  See the link below.
 >  > >
 >  > >
 > http://www.google-dot-com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=ozone+distinct+odor
 >  > >
 >  > >
 >  > >
 >  > >
 >  > >
 >  >
 >  >