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One Stop Tesla Coil Shop

Original poster: Mark Broker <mbroker-at-thegeekgroup-dot-org> 

We have been considering offering items such as NSTs, variacs and magnet 
wire - items you cannot walk into nearly any home improvement store and 
purchase - for quite a while.  The problem is mostly logistics, cost, and a 
lack of product.  Simply put, we don't have sources for most of the bigger 
components nor to winding machines for winding magnet wire onto empty 
spools.  And then we have to ship heavy, possibly fragile items (the only 
time I've UPSed an NST a bushing was broken off) at no small 
expense....  And after adding up all the costs you, the buyer, could 
probably get the parts from a nearby company or off ebay for less.

We will start shipping bleeders with the new year - about as long as it 
takes this close to Christmas to order and get a thousand or two 
shipped.  Expect many extras with smaller orders ;)

We are eager for advise, offers, contacts, etc on how to get good, quality 
NSTs, variacs, wire and winding accessories.

Happy Holidays,

Mark Broker
Chief Engineer, The Geek Group

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 07:44:31 -0700, Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:

>Original poster: "Richard Modistach" <hambone-at-dodo-dot-com.au>
>being about a new as one can get to the tesla list and coiling,
>from what i've read and seen on various sites bleeders are
>pretty much standard kit with mmc's and with the cost being so
>insignificant(relativly speaking) it sound like a good idea.
>just saves having to sourse something from somewhere else.
>not that it matters much to me here in aus.
>do you guys do copper pipe, magnet wire, pvc, ect,ect.
>just a thought.