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Re: Doorknob capacitors for primary?
Original poster: Gregory Hunter <ghunter31014-at-yahoo-dot-com>
Never mind the blast shield. At worst they will get
hot, crack open, and maybe smell bad. On the other
hand, they might work just fine. Some guys run them
for years without any trouble. Depends on what kind
they are, the composition of the ceramic, etc.
I tried some cheap surplus 40kv doorknobs on my MOT
coil and they failed within seconds. They got smoking
hot and cracked open. The smell was nauseating--but no
flying fragments or anything.
--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: brent meyer <res095fx-at-verizon-dot-net>
> I was wondering why I don't see many coilers using
> ceramic "doorknob" HV
> caps for their tanks? Are they more prone to
> failure? I just happened upon
> a parcel of 18 570pF 40KV caps, and I bought the
> lot of them. I'll be
> running them on a 15KV 60 NST. I'm looking to
> build a bipolar coil using a
> nice pair of 5 1/4 by 31 inch long fiberglass coil
> forms I just found, and
> was wondering if I should have to incorporate some
> kind of blast shields
> into the designŠ
Gregory R. Hunter