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Re: aussie 4"(was, another newbie.)

Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com> 

Hi Richard,
I sent some thoughts to your email. Basically, it's a Javatc output with 
some thoughts in there (can kind  of clog up the TCML if I paste it here). 
I basically am looking at a coil around the parameters you gave here, and 
set the primary cap to a static gap LTR size (assuming Australia is 50Hz?) 
because to the RQ gap you are looking at.

Take care,

Tesla list wrote:

>Original poster: "Richard Modistach" <hambone-at-dodo-dot-com.au>
>hi everyone,
>i'm trying to get things organised to build a 4"coil
>but getting my head around the maths parameters
>is giving me a major headache, i've tried a few of the
>programs, javatc,wintesla, tesla cad and others but
>there's things in there i cant get a grip on.
>the wealth of knowledge on this list is awsome to
>say the least, i hope someone can find the time to
>help me out
>here are the the avalible components i have:-,
>15\30 NST
>0.25"copper tube for primary
>103mmOD pvc tube
>i want to use i think a richard quick gap consisting
>of multiple 1\2'copper tubes using air blast quenching.
>toroids avalible are:-
>section    ID     OD
>63          61      187
>76          75      237
>88          85      261
>103        100    306
>129        125    383
>152        150    454
>1) using 0.15\2000 cor. dub. caps what configuration
>would be the best mmc array to use?.
>2) what ID\OD and no. of turns would be best for the
>primary coil?
>3) what guage wire and no. of turns would be best on
>the primary and overall length of tube?
>4) which toroid would be best to use of the above?.
>thinking ahead,
>i would also like to potentially set the coil up to take a 15\60 nst
>upgrade with as few as changes as possible in the future.
>thanks for any replies, more questions to
>come as the project advances i suspect.