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Re: New SSTC and topology in need of review

Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz> 

On 15 Dec 2003, at 16:56, Tesla list wrote:

 > Original poster: jimmy hynes <chunkyboy86-at-yahoo-dot-com>
 >  >  > I don't understand why the current would skyrocket. How much
 >  does it >  > increase? At half the turns, I would expect about 4 the
 >  current, >  > depending on the streamer load. Is it significantly
 >  different? Do the >  > sparks seem brighter? The only thing I can
 >  think of is that the >  > effective coupling goes down due to stray
 >  inductance leading to the >  > primary, but that shouldn't be
 >  significant until down around 1 or 2 >  > turns. Can you think of an
 >  explanation? > > You can see the dramatic effects of reducing primary
 >  turns at quite > low powers (a few W) with a resonator, primary and
 >  lo-Z o/p signal > generator and scope (and fluoro tube if one is
 >  handy). Reducing the > primary turns causes the output to climb
 >  dramatically and it is not > related to the reactance of the primary
 >  as shown by tuning the > generator around the resonant frequency.
 >  Doing this also sucks a lot > of current out of the generator. >
 > How much of the extra current is reactive, and how much is in phase?

I will measure it for you next time I conduct that particular test.
The proportions obviously change considerably with loading conditions.
If no secondary is present, the reactance and applied voltage will
give the answer if Zo of the generator is way below the reactance of
the coil (my generator was set at 0.5 Ohms before current limiting).
Ohm's law applies.
