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Re: Water absorbtion of Gray PVC

Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp-at-pacbell-dot-net> 

Tesla list wrote:
 > Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <gary.lau-at-hp-dot-com>
 > I dare say that I've seen far more successful secondaries built without
 > sanding and Glyptal than I have seen engines without changing oil.
 > Further, the secondary failures that I have seen have all been due to
 > racing arcs or pri-sec arcing, affecting only the exterior surface of
 > the coil, generally polyurethane.  I've never heard of a failure
 > originating on the form _beneath_ the winding.
 > Gary Lau

	I'be been reading about this subject for years and wonder why, if
absorption is significant, I've never had any problem using either grey
or white PVC for VDG columns?  I have one small machine in which the
belt runs to close to the column and tends to make tracks on it which do
cause excessive leakage.  A wash and THOROUGH rinse with hot water,
followed by drying with a hair dryer, restores performance for months.
