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Re: "tty sync motor" SRSG
Original poster: "Jeremy Scott by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <supertux1-at-yahoo-dot-com>
Does it get really hot too?
Your problem may be that you're loading the motor
too much, causing it to slow down.
A small 'run' capacitor across the main leads
might help, but try reducing the weight of your
rotating electrode. If it's a disc, cut some holes
in it?
--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Peter Lawrence by way of Terry
> Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> <Peter.Lawrence-at-Sun.COM>
> I've finally built a SRSG around a mini (tty)
> synchronous motor, but after
> putting it into my TC I'm sure its not really acting
> synchronously.
> My TC output's longest streamers are about the same
> as with a static gap,
> but the output varies from long and loud to short
> and quiet at about
> 5-cycles-per-second, like the motor is rotating
> 5-RPS slower than the
> 30-RPS (1800 RPM) on the motor name plate (which
> also says "synchronous").
> Also rotating the motor to change the SG phase has
> no effect on the
> streamers or the sound.
> I've looked inside, and the rotor has 4 flats ground
> off of it, just like
> its 'sposed to. It's got a run capacitor connected
> to one winding and
> 120vac to the other winding, I'm pretty sure I
> already tried switching
> which winding is used for what and the motor would
> not run at all when
> I did this. The capacitor matches the size stamped
> on the motor nameplate,
> and when I tried a larger one the motor would not
> run.
> What next?
> thanks,
> Pete Lawrence.