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Re: missing archives
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Jimmy,
I zipped up the posts from Feb. 1st to today at:
It is a single long 6Meg text file that you can search on for "DRSSTC" or
whatever with you text reader or word processing program.
Also, the digests are stored at:
These are smaller chunks stored in real time.
At 09:11 PM 4/25/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I am looking for the thread "DRSSTC update and IGBT tests", but the
>archives from the end of febuary are missing. I would like to find it by
>sunday morning, because I have to turn in my science fair stuff, and I was
>going to have a section containing posts about my project. Can you help
>me, or are they long gone?
>Do you Yahoo!?
><http://us.rd.yahoo-dot-com/search/mailsig/*http://search.yahoo-dot-com>The New
>Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.