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Re: High midnight at the Texas corral
Original poster: "Finn Hammer by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <f-h-at-c.dk>
Tesla list skriver:
> Original poster: "Bert Pool by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> I challenge the coilers on this list-serve to take your 0.015 ufd caps and
> build a conventional coil that doubles or triples your 6 foot spark length
> and in so doing, shames me such that I have to tuck my magnifier building
> tail between my legs and slink away, vanquished, into the darkness . . . .
> but I really, really doubt that I'll have much call to do any slinking.
You don`t provide much usefull information about your coil, like how
much power you are putting into it.
Let`s try John Freau`s formula (although it was devised for 120 BPS),
and your maggie obviously is running at a lot higher BPS.
180 inches=sqrt(power) *1.8
180/1.8=sqrt power
100=sqrt power
10kW out off your little potential transformer, I gues that`s possible
with a bit of resonance rise.
Now, say the break rate is 1000 BPS, then each bang would have to
contain 10 joules.
V=35514 Volts.
Nothing unusual yet.
Will this bring 15 feet streamers from a conventional coil, perhaps not.
But would it not be more interesting if you would post the complete
specs of your magnifier to see, if your results are reproduceable
Cheers, Finn Hammer
Who is proudly simulating before varnishing his coils ;-)
> Any Armchair coil-jockies who've never even built a coil, the ones who can
> only bandy about "simulation this" and "simulation that" can keep quiet - I
> want the *real* conventional coil builders who have varnish under their
> fingernails to step up and build a 0.015 ufd coil and show me those
> conventional *equivalent* 15 foot sparks I keep reading about but have
> never seen.
> Bert Pool
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/pool/tesla.htm