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Re: Capacitors for MOT ballasting . . .
Original poster: "tesla by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <tesla-at-paradise-dot-net.nz>
> I've also seen microwave oven capacitors used for ballasting (usually
> in series with the MOT supplies) and to correct phasing problems . . . any
> comments on this ???
Greetings Dan et al
This idea has intrigued me for some time.
As the O/P Z of the MOT's will be equivalent to a voltage source with a
largish series inductance placing caps in series must have the possbility of
increasing the O/P current by cancelling out the limiting inductive
This occured in my set up which had some mains side inductive ballasting.
When I fed the beast into a large capacitive load the mains current shot up
a lot.
This may have been because of my additional inductive ballasting but it
suggests to me that care in selecting the capacitive reactance should be
Hope to hear from others on this issue
Ted L in NZ