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Re: Shrink wrapped secondaries
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Paul,
I just got this. The list was down but it's going again. Posts all backup
up for awhile...
At 10:38 AM 9/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Terry wrote:
>> I moved some of the boxes and such out of the way and repinged it:
>> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/02090701.CSV
>PK FREQ kHz (Error +/-) Q FACTOR (Error +/-) LEVEL
> 1 351.735 (0.01%,35Hz) 297.08 (0.17%, 0.5) -0.3dB
> 2 872.299 (0.01%,87Hz) 255.28 (1.17%, 3.0) -14.1dB
> 3 1263.252 (0.01%,126Hz) 192.63 (1.66%, 3.2) -21.4dB
> 4 1598.432 (0.01%,160Hz) 147.94 (6.64%, 9.8) -25.7dB
> 5 1905.136 (0.01%,191Hz) 117.28 (15.79%,18.5) -28.7dB
> 6 2198.658 (0.01%,220Hz) 95.57 (31.58%,30.2) -28.0dB
>Accounted for 97.26% of input signal
> Before After
>f1 351.16 351.735
>q1 275.08 297.08
>A worthwhile increase in q1 there. Those boxes must have been
>soaking something up. q3 went up a little, and the higher mode
>q factors stayed about the same.
I wonder if "cardboard" and humidty just don't mix. There was some foil
covered plastic in one of the boxes too...
>All the higher mode frequencies dropped a little. Opposite to what
>I'd expect - again! There's something funny about this coil.
>It might be an LGE (little green elve) effect, or it could be that
>the ends of your tube are sealed to give an airtight tube and the
>variations in ambient pressure are causing the tube to expand/contract.
The tube is wide open on the end.
>The variation is too much to account for by temperature change alone,
>unless your temperature changed by more than about 30 degC between
Maybe 1 or 2C...
>Deformation of a sealed tube by varying pressure was not
>factored out of the qvar results, which might explain a few things.
Is there a way I could run your Q program here? If I had real time (or a
few minutes later time) I could fiddle with it and see if I can track
something down. If I could read like the latest scope file off a floppy
and have it show the results (maybe store them back too the floppy too).
The Sun computer is only a few feet away and it's floppy drive seems to
open the DOS disk and data files just fine. I'll leave a few sample
TEK00000x.CSV files in the floppy drive. If I can change one thing and go
test it right away, maybe I could track some of this stuff down.
>Paul Nicholson