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Re: OLTC update - primary IGBT loss
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Paul,
At 09:05 PM 9/4/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Terry wrote:
>> Wonder what happens if one refires 180 degree off from the present
>> ring... That should send some shock waves up the secondary ! :o))
>Oh, what madness is this!
>I modeled the situation where: just as the primary energy is
>momentarily zero at the peak of the first beat, we re-stock the
>primary cap with another bangs worth of energy (eg by switching
>to a second cap bank - one that you charged up while the 1st bank
>was going through its first half-beat).
>The normal ringdown, without quenching, is
> http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/tmp/tfoltc-c1.gif
>and the double-bang event is in
> http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/tmp/tfoltc-c2.gif
>The second cap is switched in at 50uS. Following this, instead
>of the secondary energy ringing down, it does another cycle or so at a
>slightly higher Vtop. Note that the Ipri and Vpri don't exceed
>their original values, so no extra device stress. The follow up bang
>roughly doubles the number of cycles that the secondary could be
>extending streamers over.
It appears that the SonoTube will not be transmuted into gold bullion from
this exercise ;-)) However, the possibility to change very pure silicon
into a molten blob of SiO2 is high. We'll just forget that one ;-)))
>> I need to try wrapping another coil to see if that affects
>> anything like Antonio suggested.
>Well if you do, ping the coil before and after so we can see how much
>it changes.
Darn..., got too late tonight to do this :-(
>> I did not retune the coil for the added probe C since I didn't
>> want to fiddle too much
>Yeah, that's fine. I don't care what the tuning is, so long as it
>stays put. It's a major ball ache to recompute everything if something
>is shifted.
Yeah, Don't wan't to go changing too many things at one time. Models
don't care if it is out of tune... They still work anyway...
>> Is a pin point OK?
>Depends what we want to know. My particular interest is in witnessing
>the expected 26kV/cm surface gradient in action, and to observe the
>extent of the topvolts clamping action. For that we need a predictable
>breakout surface, so a point is out. I can manage with a small ball,
>or a rod with a smooth hemispherical tip. The rod or ball must be
>vertically above the axis of the coil/toroid so that the whole system
>has cylindrical symmetry. Single shot only for now.
I could not find any really good stuff for this. So I ordered up some
threaded brass balls from MSC. 1, 1+3/8, and 1+7/8 inch diameter. 1/4 and
3/8 inch thread to match my stuff. Next week... My other post tonight
shows that I can see breakout and streamer formation to a very high accuracy.
>But then if we simply want to know whether streamers evolve over
>part of a cycle, a couple of cycles, or several consecutive bangs,
>then any old breakout point would do I suppose.
But real ROCs are best. Best to eliminate as many variables as possible
>Don't need a topvolts
>measurement for that, just the current to the breakout point, along
>with Ibase.
That is toooooo easy!!!!!! ;-)))
>We might find that we can go a long way just on that
>basis, eg we can integrate the breakout current to see how much charge
>is upheld. We can tabulate upheld charge with observed streamer length.
>We can also look for signs of streamer evolution preferentially on
>one polarity.
That be the negative polarity ;-)) Bandwidth is a problem. I can go to
40MHz on the streamer current and 20MHz on I base. I hope Ibase is well
and fine. But I worry if 40MHz is good enough for Istreamer... Maybe HP
has higher speed optics now... Doubtful, since Carly has totally nuked the
HP place >:-(( Maybe the Chinese have a higher-performance replacement...
>Either way, tons of stuff to go at.
Oh!! You think secondaries were fun!!! Steamers... we're talking fire
now!!!!!!! :o)))))))))
>Paul Nicholson