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Moderator note - RE: counterpoise - Snippage Involved
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Daniel,
Ok, we'll make a new "rule" that "common acronyms/abbreviations" should be
off-topic. I thought IIR was like I^2R for resistive heating ;-))
Common ones can be found at the link Chris gave:
and Tesla coiling ones at:
I guess pure Tesla coiling ones are on topic since we make up new ones now
and then, but I'll try and catch them rather than send them to the list.
We should probably refrain from using the odd and rare ones anyway...
At 11:15 AM 10/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Questions regarding email acronyms should NOT be posted to the
>group as they are about as far offtopic as one can get. I recommend posting
>such questions to the email address of the actual person.
>What does IIR mean?
>> IIR, i have generally suggested better rather than
>> lesser ground....