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NorCal Teslathon

Original poster: "Sean Taylor by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <taylorss-at-rose-hulman.edu>

Well, the date for the Thon in S.F. has been finalized as July 27th/28th.
Any Q's about dropping stuff off, where to stay, anything like that, email
Jim Heagy at HomerLea-at-aol-dot-com.  There will be some free stuff there (some
caps, LARGE forms), so bring a vehicle to carry it with, and bring anything
else you might want to trade/sell, whatever.

Anybody who is interested, but hasn't talked to Jim or me should email me at
sean.s.taylor-at-rose-hulman.edu.  Currently, there are 17 people on the list,
so it should be a good 'thon, lots to see.

Everyone is welcome, even if only to see what else people are doing for TCs,
or other HV projects.  I'm just trying to get an idea of what people are
bring, to figure out how many displays we'll have.  If you decide you can
come at the last minute, go right ahead . . .

Directions to Hunters Point Shipyard Warehouse:
Tell guard you are visiting James Heagy at bldg. 401. Phone out there is
>From HWY 280 get off freeway on Army St.(Chavez) East and head toward bay.
Turn right on 3rd St. (2nd light) and left on Evans.(2nd light).

>From HWY 101 get off freeway on Army St.(Chavez) East and head toward bay.
Turn right on Evans from Army (2nd light) and follow it all the way to the

When Evans gets to the bay it turns into another street. Don't look for
street signs. Just don't go down into the water or up any hills. You will
follow the shoreline along the bottom of the hill. At the end of the road
(stop light) you swing left and stop at the tiny guard shack in the middle
the road. Keep right all the way around the hill to the other side. You go
some wood buildings on your right including bldgs. 101 and 110. I am on the
way to the railroad museum on the left side of the road in a large, old wood
building just past the newer large concrete bldg at the base of the hill on
your right.

Sean Taylor
The Geek Group
G-3 #1204J
Because the geek shall inherit the Earth! (c)