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Original poster: "Marry Krutsch by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <u236-at-earthlink-dot-net>
Hi Everyone!
I'm considering building a SSTC. I know just about nothing on the
subject, so I need some help.
First, what kind of voltage/currents are typically used in the primary
circuit? I just bought some MOSFETs, rated 500VPk, 12 amps for $6.50 a
piece; will they work? Did I get ripped off?? (I doubt it :-)) I know
I'll need to parallel some even if they are suitable.
What sort of drive circuits are used? I could probably use a 555 timer
thingy to fire the drive transistors, but there are better ways, right?
Do you guys use square or sinusoidal wave drives?
What is the tank circuit arrangement? Is a cap used, or is the primary
inductor driven straight from the MOSFETs, without a cap.
I've been playing with my new FETs today, and they sure are easier to
deal with than bipolars! :-)). I understand that MOSFETs can be
paralleled with ease (no thermal balancing resistors). Is this true?
I realize that these are vague questions, but any help is appreciated,
as always.
Winston K.
PS-I tried making an air-core power xfmr (I sent in a post regarding
this a few weeks ago). It has a few 1000 winds on the secondary, 60 on
the primary, and weighs about 3 pounds. Driving it with a single MOSFET
at about 50 kHz, it pulled about 4 amps at 10 volts (if my meter is
truthful at these frequencies). I got a small (struck at 1/32", drawn
to 1/8"), yet painful looking arc. I'm going to run it at 50-75 volts,
and at a higher frequency. Results are promising :-)). It won't
replace 60 cycle xfmrs in my shop, but it's something cool to do.