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Re: MOT supply

Original poster: "Alexander Rice by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <ajjrice-at-yahoo-dot-com>

04/01/2002 15:16:58, "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:

Dear Mark

Since MOT's are designed with ome end of the high voltage attached to core
you can 
connect 2 in series with no overstress of the insulation, if you want still
more voltage 
connect up another pair of mot's, connect their cores to the ht of the
existing pair and 
with a modest overstress of core -> primary insulation you have a rather
heavy, but 
perfectly serviceable 8.8 kv trannie that will easily run 10kVA for
reasonably short periods. 
when i did it i put them under oil but i am not certain this is necessary,
you do really need 
a sig gen and multimeter to get coil pagsing right befor you put it all
together although you 
could use a step down transformer, remeber you only need to put a few volts
in to get an 
unpleasnt shock (3v => 100v)


i think bob.g was a little jealous cos he sold me the 4 mot's for a couple
of quid and i 
produced a trannie that was roughly equvalent to his £££ radar transformer!

take care


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