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Re: Violet ray machines - Re: Pig grounding

Original poster: "Kurt Schraner by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <k.schraner-at-datacomm.ch>

Antonio, all,

I've uploaded a circuit sketch to my website at:

http://home.datacomm.ch/k.schraner/Violet_quack.gif  (~30kB)

the circuit of the "Tesla-handle" itself was only guessed, 'cause not
wanting to destroy it. May be, it would prove helpful to measure the
ringing frequency, which I've not yet done.


Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <acmq-at-compuland-dot-com.br>
> Tesla list wrote:
> > Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> <Mddeming-at-aol-dot-com>
> > You can buy a half dozen of these any week on eBay. It's just an evacuated
> > glass tube on the end of an adjustable induction coil.
> Looks more as a small Oudin coil (A Tesla coil with the two coils
> connected as an autotransformer). I have experimented with one some time
> ago, but didn't figure out how to open it to see what was inside. Do
> someone have an schematic of a typical one?
> > It was one of the most
> > popular bits of quack medical machinery from the first half of the 20th
> > century. It was supplanted by the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator, another
> piece
> > of total quack junk still being pushed by the New Age Whackos at
> > Sciences Research Foundation" of Vista CA. You might contact them if
you are
> > really into old-time hokum and hoodoo. Just don't confuse any of it with
> > science.
> I have seen a pair of these too. They are in my list of things to
> restore,
> just to see what would they do (look impressive too):
> http://www.coe.ufrj.br/~acmq/tesla/oldtesla.html.
> I am not sure about how to connect them to a big electrostatic machine,
> that
> was where I found them mounted.
> Many of these weird electrical devices had really some functionality in
> the treatment of some diseases, by killing microorganisms by heat or UV
> light. This was before antibiotic drugs were developed.
> Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz