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Induction coil optimal design (Re: Micro Tesla Coil design)

Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <acmq-at-compuland-dot-com.br>

Tesla list wrote:

 > Original poster: "robert & june heidlebaugh by way of Terry Fritz 
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <rheidlebaugh-at-desertgate-dot-com>
 > Joyon: Just as a suggestion an ignition coil like a TC requires a capacitor
 > to tune and produce maxinun power transpher. Usualy a 0.22uf is used. With
 > out this capacitor the spark is poor. Yes some high voltage brute force
 > circuits can force a coil to preform without a capacitor, but not
 > efficently. Yes I have been accosted by people who profess other uses of the
 > capacitor, but real testing proves them wrong. I recomend the capacitor use
 > to use less power to give a better spark.

I have made some studies and experiments with an ignition coil, and
concluded that they can be made to work in a way very similar to a
Tesla coil, with the only difference being that the initial energy
is in the magnetic field of the primary coil, instead of in a primary
capacitor. All the properties appear again, in slightly modified
way. There are magic coupling coefficients for optimal energy
transfer, particular tuning relations for the primary and secondary
circuits (-not- to the same frequency in this case, but close). The
coil that I used in the tests worked better with a small off-axis
inductance in series with the primary, to adjust the coupling
coefficient, and of course a primary capacitor. The theory about
this can be seen in the paper:

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz