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Re: science fairs

Original poster: "Crow Leader by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <presence-at-churchofinformationwarfare-dot-org>

When I did not want to be hassled by bored safety judges I did not bring a
power cord, stated the coil was "rendedered inoperative" and everybody left
me alone. Just fill out the forms the same way and don't turn it on.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 4:00 PM
Subject: science fairs

> Original poster: "Jim Lux by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> I think lots of TC's get made for science fairs.  For those looking for a
> nominal set of rules and such, the Greater San Diego Science and
> Engineering Fair (a fairly large one, hundreds of exhibits) has posted
> their rules, along with all the various regulatory forms, on the web.
> The link is:
> http://www.gsdsef-dot-org/Teacher/TeacherPacket.shtml
> Of particular interest will be the rules and regs and the "Certificate of
> Hazards Control".  Most of them deal with various biological hazards,
> vertebrate animal restrictions, and human subjects, which probably won't
> relevant, but there are specific things about HV, what can be displayed,
> Some forethought and planning might avoid a last minute crisis (hah...
> there are always last minute problems that crop up)