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RE: Bart's Coil (was How many STSG's in service?)

Original poster: "John H. Couture by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <couturejh-at-mgte-dot-com>

Bart's coil is a beauty and it appears to follow the outputs of the JHCTES
Ver 3.3 very well.  Click on


Enter for the 4 Primary inputs - Spiral
  .042 - 11 - 0 - 11
Enter for the 5 Secondary inputs
  4.25 - 1721 - 42.73 - 28

The outputs will be for the oper freq = 68.9 and the pri turns = 14.8 equal
to Bart's coil specs.

The output for the K factor = .157 assumes the sec and pri bottom turns are
at the same level. This appears to be a little high.

With the mutual inductance test and 2.653 amps in the primary the voltage
across the secondary coil will be about 617 millivolts (the mutual
inductance). With the secondary 4 inches above the primary the voltage would
be 395 mv (mutual inductance) and K= .101

Bart - I would be interested in the results if you ever make these test.

John Couture


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 12:30 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: How many STSG's in service?

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <tesla123-at-pacbell-dot-net>

Hi J.B.,

I'm using a rq/tcbor triggered arrangement. I think we are still
beta-testing (I know I am). I'm using a basic
circuit without resistors. I don't have much variation with the controller
which I mounted on the control panel
and left the rest under the coil. I think the pot used should be about 50k.
My controller came with a 250k pot
and I haven't tried a 50k yet. My controller doesn't have a diac to fire
the triac gate, but I intend on
throwing one in. My controller is not a Lutron, but one I picked up from
ACE Hardware. Same basic circuit
however minus the diac. I put in a 25A triac.

Regarding performance? Not sure yet. At this point, the srsg out-performed
the trigger gap. But for me, it's
too soon to make a judgement. The trigger gap however is running sweet and
cool, and this gap isn't any louder
than my srsg.

I took some photo's a couple weeks ago and through them  up showing the
gap, coil, and sparks. I'm running at
less than half power in the garage due to a metal bed which is up on the
rafters and puts me in harms way  (the
end of it is right over my head next to the control box and the other end
is about 5 feet to the toroid). I've
tried to keep it below this spark range.


Take care,
Barton B. Anderson

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "J. B. Weazle McCreath by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <weazle-at-hurontel.on.ca>
> Hello Coilers,
> Lately there hasn't been much discussion on the list concerning
> the triggered gaps and I was wondering how many are now running
> them and what your results/comments where?
> Has anyone switched to a triggered gap from a sync rotary, and
> if so, what differences did you notice?  Has there been anyone
> besides myself that has been experimenting with the "dimmers"
> to finalise a design or are we still beta testing?
> I'd like to hear from any and all about your findings, as I've
> found my own experiments not only interesting but rewarding in
> the way my coil performs with a STSG.
> 73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL
> Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
> E-mail:    weazle-at-hurontel.on.ca
>            or ve3ear-at-rac.ca
> Web site:  http://www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle