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Multiwound coil possibilities for Earth Resonance

Original poster: "harvey norris by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>

--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz
> <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <wysock-at-ttr-dot-com>
> Hello Bert, and all.
> I respect your question you asked below.  I submit
> that the key
> to this "riddle" is impedance matching.  Both the
> transmit and
> receive sites must be impedance matched for the
> conditions under
> which they are operated.  Consider the surface area
> of the Earth,
> and that of the Ionosphere.  Tesla's (earlier)
> patents describe a
> return circuit using the Ionosphere, and pumping
> electrical current
> (into) the "ground".  The problem is, how to get a
> good connection
> to the Ionosphere, and the ground.  While all of us
> agree that the
> surface (even below "ground level") may be
> considered to be a very
> "lossy" medium, non-the-less, if you consider the
> surface area of
> the "globe" we all live on, and if you were to
> design an oscillator
> that would have the required values of "L" and "C",
> to resonate
> this Earth-Ionosphere capacitor, you would first
> have to match
> the native impedance of this circuit, in order to
> have any energy
> transfer at all, from the "transmitter" to the
> "receiver".
Can you describe this "native impedance"?
If we assume a resonant ciruit of 12 hz to be a earth
resonant circuit would this be the same thing as
matching the impedance by assembling those appropriate
L and C quantities to resonate?

What that conclusion in itself shows by mathematics
that these are improbable L and C quantities to begin
with. Suppose for example a fiber size drum of 14
gauge wire -at- 20 mh were this earth antennna. what
would the capacity to resonate at 12 hz be? About an
astounding 8800 uf! So such as resonant coil would
more likely be a huge inductance so that a smaller
capacity can be used for that resonance.

In fact the ethos of teslas earth propagation scheme
seems to be predicated on surface areas in high
frequency vibration, not low frequency propagation. We
might consider higher harmonics to be a possibility
however. But here is where the possibilities of
adhering to the original idea of using that source
resonant earth frequency as a possibility should not
be entirely dismissed.

One of the first military applications Of ELF
transmissions was to create extraordinary length
antennas for EM propagation through the earth as a
medium. I think the Michigan array may use 22 miles.
So does this necessarily place efforts by ordinary
individuals to nothing?

I think I might say that most coilers are intent in
building the ordinary high frequency LC circuits in a
tesla coil and ordinarily are of the assumption to
create a LC resonant frequency effect with the earth
is nigh impossible, save gaining arcing by secondary
grounding.  But first lets do some backtracking here:
first of all teslas intention was not to employ
arcing, only oscillation of polar capacities. But it
is the arcing from a primary in a tesla coil that
changes the source frequency into the LC combination
of resonant frequency that the coil operates at. So
the most illogical presumption initially presents
itself: how can it be possible to create such a low
resonant frequency with the proper LC combinations to
resonate at a frequency itself normally lower than the
60 hz supply frequency?

Well one can start with the typical quarter wavelength
antenna assumption. Coilers seem to understand that it
doesnt apply since once that length of wire is coiled
it makes a reduction in the 1/4 wave frequency value,
which may be further reduced by addition of a top
load, (From what I fathom, which could be incorrect)
Now since arcing from a top load polar capacity in
this circumstance is not what is desired, only to
produce the proper earth resonant frequency by primary
arcing becomes the perogative, and the secondary
components then only can resonate at a higher
harmonics of the original LOW FREQUENCY ARC GAP.

So it is here that the use of multiwound layered high
induction coils of very long wire lengths becomes the
predicted tools to attain this objective. The
following is a related correspondence concerning the
change in resonant frequency made in multiwound coils;

Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:13:06 -0300 
From: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" 
To: harvey norris 
Subject: Re: Resonant frequency testing method. 

harvey norris wrote:
> Hi Antonio, you wrote;
> If you have a signal generator, there is a simpler
> to see resonance
> and Q without having to search for the peak. Excite
> the base of the
> secondary with a square wave, with a frequency about
> 20 times smaller
> than the resonance frequency. You will see a series
> small oscillation
> bursts in the oscilloscope. The frequency seen is
> resonance
> frequency, and from the time required for decay you
> can deduce the Q.

> I have used a small neon tube from the single end
> of a high voltage source connected to a plate area,
> with the inductor suspended above this plate area as
> the same kind of scope detection method. The
> intervening neon at minimal variac regulated input
> will produce a 120 BPS hf spike, where the frequency
> of the ringdown can be noted by turning up the sweep
> rate. This then is a one ended voltage potential
> method. I have not yet tried this with an actual

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand your assembly.

> But I am trying measuring frequencies from store
> bought small multiwound coils, where a 100 ft 22
> coil of 1 mh purchased from Radio Shack yeilds
> hz. I have already made a small primary to match
> coil and secured the method of supplying the primary
> capacities. I have also noticed the changes of
> frequency by adding a top load to these coils.
> Do you think it is fruitless to make a multiwound or
> multilayed secondary, as this is not a conventional
> approach? It would seem such a coil would have a
> larger internal capacitance, thus requiring less
> surface topload for a discharge.

Tne problems with multilayer secondaries are more
insulation and larger parasitic capacitance. More
is not a good thing. What you want in a Tesla
transformer is
to minimize it., as energy stored on it is not
at the terminal.

> At this higher frequency the voltages read by the
> scope from the inductor recieving a signal by the
> changing electric field in space are near 5 volts.
> Thus the probe can be turned to 10x to also read the
> signal at the higher deflection voltage reading
> setting. However when this is done the recorded
> frequency changes? Have you ever heard of such a
> thing? This complicates the tuning because there are
> then two different frequencies given by the resonant
> frequency determinations.

10x probes are used because they put less capacitive
on the point being measured. The difference in the
of the probe + cable + oscilloscope input is the
reason of
the changes that you see. An inductor receiving a
input will resonate with the probe capacitance, and
you measure may be just the behavior of the probe, not
the circuit being measured. A capacitive probe is
in this aspect.


Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz

 Now in the above letter I was reffering to a polar
capacity testing circuit, from an air core 60 hz
resonant circuit, a testing method  that cannot easily
basically replicated by an NST to my knowledge.
However I have tested it by the following method which
anyone should be able to duplicate with an NST and a 
neon tube. Aquiring a radio shack 100 ft , 1mh 22
gauge insulated wire coil as described, pass the tube
through the core of the coil. Light the tube via
conventional NST. Hook the coil to scope, (not the
NST!) and look at the 60 hz signal. This is the very
small EM radiation of the bulb itself. One will have
to turn the voltage selection down to near the
smallest voltage level to examine a hf ringdown riding
on the AC 60 hz wave, as what a 120 BPS ringdown would
be, but here it is barely being simulated as the
ringdown that occurs in the neon plasma discharge
itself.  However that statement in itself is entirely
untrue, for the simple fact that a wider range of
observations have shown the procedure to be examining
something else, I once termed "Multiple Wave
Oscillations" for lack of a better understanding.

To better indicate what I am saying here, to examine
the hf oscillations the bulb is apparently emiting as
recieved EM on the sensor inductor, it becomes
necessary to turn up the sweep rate, where here it
helps to know that the phenomenon will be recorded at
500,000 hz as mentioned. In order to see 2 cycles of
the ringdown a scope(screen) sweep time of 0.5 
mico-seconds (us)/div across the screen can be used.
However it is incorrect to assume that this is a
higher harmonic vibration from the source frequency
plasma discharge. This is because a different  length
wire coil used as the sensor will give a different
frequency as the rf ringdown. What we are instead
observing is the "natural resonant frequency" of the
inductor being used as a sensor coil. In the 60 hz
resonant circuit I have called a Binary Resonant
System, the influences on this inductor are thousands
of times greater than what a simple NST bulb will
give. Essentially the BRS can use the bulbs themselves
as effective radio emmittors in a one ended
application, whereas the NST cannot accomplish that,
the secondary being ferromagnetic and inertial,
whereas the series resonance is inertia free, and hf
oscillations easier set into motion. At 

this inductor is shown having to be placed 6 inches
away from a polarity field plate and maximum 5 volt
setting used to observe the signal coming from  and
attached to the voltage rise of one of the resonances
via a "high BPS rate"' arc gap in series. This is what
causes the multitraces where there is shown at least 5
of these rf bursts per cycle, translating as 5 or more
hf traces at the shown 0.5 us/div.

Now to try and get to the point here that 100 ft coil
by quarter wavelength would yeild about 2.5 mghz by
quarter wavelength calculations, but the ACTUAL
resonant frequency is 5 times lower by scope
observation. This is however considerably complicated
by the fact that going up on the voltage scale by
probe setting which change the recorded frequency as
noted here in this  above letter. Now we can again
address the fact of the length of wire in this 60
Henry 23 gauge coil, being 9 miles long, would have a
quarter wavelength frequency at the phenomenally low
5000 hz. We also know or suspect that this coil will
also have a TRUE resonant frequency far exponentially
reduced from the previously known 5 fold reduction
shown in a small multilayed coil. Since there are
20.000 winds on these coils, the exponential reduction
of  resonant frequency has not been measured by scope,
as this would be an exceedingly high voltage ringdown.
But in any case it is shown here that a large
induction coil can become involved  in a center tapped
resonant transformer application where an arc gap
applies to change the source frequency into another
one. It becomes remarkable to consider the impossible,
what if the LC combination at ACTUAL resonance
determined by interwinding capacitance and natural
resonant frequency REAL observations were itself lower
then the frequency source used to produce the voltage

In this situation if one of the 60 hz series resonant
phases is grounded by a neon from the midpoint q = 15
voltage rise, it will conduct and blink on and off.
Coincidentally this occurs about 24 blinks per second,
corelating with 12 hz hypothesis. with the standard
size bulb. A 15 watt florescent will not blink. Each
opposite polarity connected to earth will only allow
for one conduction path, in that comparison case, the
lower resistance florescent will have the prefered
midpoint interaction to earth. I have now gotten
things to the point where I can power 3 delta 20  inch
neon discharges from an ordinary car alternator at 476
hz, with a voltage rise made from only 17 volts
alternator  phase input.  No transformers are used,
only the 476 hz resonant LC phases. I plan soon to
arrange this neon disharge into wye, with a grounded
4.24 air capacity as the intervening source of 'free
electrons' placed at the  WYE midpoint. If the volume
of the neon discharges were to be visably increased by
this grounding, it would seem safe to assume that the
earth itself has added energy to the circuit.

Paradoxically the blinking quality of neon bulb
resonances when midpoint interacted from  180 phased
60 hz resonances does not occur at higher frequencies
when 3 phase 120 midpoint phased interacted. Thus it
is doubtful the earth will cause the bulbs to blink
with the  alternator 476 hz input.

Sincerely HDN

Binary Resonant System  http://members3.boardhost-dot-com/teslafy/

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