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Re: Three phase rectifiers
Original poster: "Mike Harrison by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <mike-at-whitewing.co.uk>
On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 07:50:09 -0700, you wrote:
>Original poster: "bob golding by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>"
>Hi all,
> I have worked out the wiring for my 3 phase rectifier design. I am
>going for a design voltage of 12kv at 1 amp. I would like some feedback
>on the best way to go about choosing the diodes. I am going for the 12
>pulse recifier design shown here (scroll down the page)
>This should keep the ripple low enough to not need any filter caps. This
>will be safer and cheaper. I like safe and cheap in the same sentence.
>What voltage should I aim for for the piv on the diodes? peak voltage
>will be 16968V. If I go for the old rule for caps of 2.5 peak this works
>out at 42420V. I am planning to use IN4007's this works out at 42 diodes
>per leg x 12= 504. As they are only 8 pence each this is not a great
>expense. Less than �50.00. Is there a problem with long strings of
>diodes. If I get them all at the same time there is a good chance they
>will be from the same batch. Should I go for 3 amp ones instead? I know
>it is a lot of soldering. If it works I can fully exploit my variable
>speed async gap.
I would be inclined to use 1N5408's - 1KV at 3 amps, only 5p each at
100x from Rapid Elec. and rated at 3 amps - gives you a better 'smoke