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RE: Calculating secondary resonance of bipolar coils
Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <paul-at-abelian.demon.co.uk>
Darren Freeman wrote:
> I would have expected the two halves to be rather well magnetically
> coupled leading to a much greater inductance (looking at only half
> of the coil) by nearly a factor of two. I can't see how calculating
> the thing with half of the coil is going to give the correct answer.
That's right. As you say, mutual inductance (and capacitance) between
the two halves prevents accurate analysis as two quarter wave
sections, unless the coil is split and the parts separated so that
their fields do not significantly overlap.
The half wave, or bipolar coil, is quite easy to model in free space,
the difficulty comes when you want to calculate the frequency for
operation horizontal above a ground plane. Determining the external
capacitance distribution is a time consuming process with this
geometry, although far from impossible.
The 'half-wave' is the simplest possible mode of resonance of a
solenoid, and is the natural 'ground state' of an open circuit coil
in free space, or placed horizontally above a ground plane. In this
mode the current maximum is exactly at the center. As the coil is
tilted towards the vertical (wrt the ground plane) the nice symmetric
shape of the current profile is altered as the external capacitance
becomes asymmetric. The position of the current maximum moves away
from the center towards the end with greatest external C. Eventually
when the base of the coil comes close to the ground, or is connected
to ground, the current peak ends up at about 5 or 10% of the way up
from the base of the coil. This is now the familiar 'quarter-wave'
resonance, although it can be seen from the above description that we
haven't actually changed modes, it's just a continuous deformation of
the shape of the lowest resonance from the case of perfect symmetry of
the balanced bipolar to that of the completely unbalanced monopolar
coil, with a gradual reduction of Fres of the order of 30% in the
> I am assuming that the 1/4 wave theory is a myth and that the
> circuit acts as a lumped inductance and capacitance, both of which
> are demonstrated at:
> hot-streamer-dot-com/TeslaCoils/MyPapers/MyPapers.htm
No, its the lumped inductor which is an idealisation which doesn't
occur in nature. A 'lumped inductor' does not display the spectrum of
resonances present in a real inductor. In the past some have
erroneously argued that there is a choice to be made between operating
a coil in 'lumped' or 'transmission line' modes, which is a very silly
Terry's paper demonstrates the phase equality between top and bottom
of a quarter-wave transmission line very nicely.
See Terry's more recent comments on this topic at
[Terry, this seems to be the correct URL for your comments on
topsync.html, but it does not show any text, is there a problem with
the archives?]**
Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.
Secondary modelling project http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/
** Aparently there was some sort of problem with this post in the archives.
I put the original post below:
From an off-list mail...
Hi Paul,
At 09:36 AM 8/23/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Concerning your web page topsync.html, I'm afraid your
>conclusions are erroneous. The lack of phase shift
>along the coil is perfectly in accordance with a
>transmission line model. While the individual forward
>and reflected components do suffer a substantial phase
>shift the quantity being measured is the sum of the two,
>and whenever the magnitude of the reflection coefficient
>is unity, the net phase shift is zero - the wave is
Yes! You are totally correct. I have not re-visited that paper in some
time, but some of the statements I made "then" are NOT correct! I can
point to the initial responses and perhaps support the conclusions, but the
steady state phase statements or obviously wrong. I know a lot more about
this now than I did then... Even though this paper has errors, it did
spark a great deal of work in this area which has paid off many fold. So
even "mistakes" have their value ;-) It seemed to have had the right wild
and brash "the old theory is wrong!! and here is the new!!" flavor to it...
The previous theories were ripe for change and this set a lot of people
into the "leap forward" mode to find new ideas to support the latest evidence.
>I'm surprised nobody has pointed this out already, but
>I think you should withdraw this page as I have come
>across others misled by this.
I am too!! Perhaps no one reads them ;-)) I guess "I" haven't for awhile!
At the time, simply being "able" to make such measurements was the
"biggest deal" of the paper. The fiber optics systems used have now been
replicated all over the world... However, I "still" believe that the
secondary acts more like a simple inductor than a transmission line. I
have worked with Malcolm Watts and Robert Jones (he really knows a lot
about wave theory!! Taught me much!) on secondary system theory and it is
now believed that the secondary is acting more in accordance with flexible
beam theory from mechanics rather than classical transmission line theory.
The secondary coil's parts are coupled from section to section which
drastically changes the governing equations. This work is ongoing and not
yet complete. Sort of a "computer modeling playground" trying to explain
obvious real world data...
>Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think its
>important that an influential website supplies correct
Don't be sorry! The reason I wrote this up is so that others could review
it and find such problems! Only by the input of others can such mistakes
be found and corrected so that we are all kept on the right course to the
"truth". I always invite comments and questions so that we can all have
the best and fastest path to knowledge in this area. It is far better to
be enlightened, rather than continuing in darkness...
>Obviously, your corollary that the lack of phase shift
>enables application of a lumped LC model still stands, and
>your phase shift measurements continue to support this
Even "i" the old "lumped theory guy", realizes that it is really far more
complex than any of us has thought previously. However, the path to the
solution is clear. We just have to struggle along that path awhile yet
before the next set of "answers" tells us we are still wrong ;-)) So far,
NO Tesla coil secondary theory has stood up to the test of time well. I
have no illusions about any present ideas doing any better. However, we
always seem better off today than we were yesterday, so the quest is
worthwhile. Of course, if this was easy, it would not be so much fun chasing!!
I will review this (also time to look at the other papers...) and add the
corrections as I now know them... I wish some other people would try to do
papers like this because it really makes things so much easier in the long
run. Many people are afraid of criticism or the possibility of being
wrong. But continuing on the wrong ideas or path is far worse than being
straightened out!! I love to work on the state of the art theories (the
"bleeding edge" ;-)) but I hate to waste time on things that are wrong but
no one tells me... Admittedly, I am no Einstein, but I try really hard ;-)
The new mechanical analogies are very exciting! Of course, if history
holds, they will be proven all wrong too ;-)) But it is the best we have
right now, and that is were we are.
I would like your permission to post this to the Tesla coil e-mail list so
that the ~800 members there can be "clued in" on this. That is by far that
fastest way to correct the "sins of the past" and get started on the
future! Let me know if I may forward your original comments and the
answers I have given here.
>Paul Nicholson,
>Manchester, UK.