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RE: twin coil system
Original poster: "Oxandale, Terry by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <Toxandale-at-SPP-dot-org>
To Bill and all,
In regards to the wonderful text about your twin model 12, I am puzzled
about why one coil performed so differently than the other half with a
given primary frequency. I read where the immediate surrounding of one
of the the coils (switchgear, conduit, etc) made a difference, but I
guess I am wondering how this required primary tap changes even though
the secondary resonant frequency is fixed. I was under the impression
that the tap points on the two individual coils was not too important as
long as the sum of the two primary inductances was set to the correctly
tuned inductance (i.e the off axis inductance issue). Could you please
expand on this.
> ----------
> From: Tesla list[SMTP:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 11:36 AM
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: twin coil system
> Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>"
> <wysock-at-ttr-dot-com>
> Hello Bob and all.
> Your interest in twin coil systems is noted. So is Brian Basura's
> work. You might be interested in viewing the pictures of my
> Model 12, Mini Model 12, and the paper I wrote about the
> large Model 12 dual coil system. I developed this twin coil
> system in early 1992, and it was exhibited (ten shows over
> a 5 day period) during the 1992 International Tesla Society's
> bi-annual symposium. Model 12 was operated indoors inside
> a large auditorium. The pictures of this and the article can
> be seen at: www.ttr-dot-com. This system even predates Ed
> Wingate's and Robert Steven's twin coil systems.