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Re: Ion Motors / Electrostatic Pendulum

Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <Mddeming-at-aol-dot-com>

In a message dated 7/22/01 10:47:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes: 

> Original poster: "Metlicka Marc by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <
> mystuffs-at-orwell-dot-net> 
> rww, all 
> i read a paper from tesla where he talked about his generated "waves" of 
> energy traversing through the globe, bouncing off the opposite, and at a 
> resonance this wave was "kicked" as it rebounded with a added pulse. 
> this resulted in a "building" of the energy in the wave to "great 
> potentials". all this was happening at Colorado springs, this energy was 
> resulting in coronal discharges of items setting on the ground. it was 
> stated that if continued, greater and greater buildup could supply huge 
> potentials. 
> so, WAS his idea to be using the atmosphere as the power conductor or 
> was it to be the return path for that which would come out of the earth? 
> if the earth was to be a charged plate of a capacitor, so to speak, and 
> the ionosphere the other and the air was to be the dielectric, then as 
> the plates are charged higher and higher, wouldn't the task of 
> "punching" the dielectric become easier and easier? 
> was tesla actually planing on "using" the energy in the schumann cavity, 
> or was he thinking that if the cavity could be resonated by the act of 
> lightning and these resonance's were mostly continuos, than maybe a man 
> made resonance could be pulsed and "kicked" at these frequencies and 
> caused to rise in magnitude, propagating across, through and all around 
> the globe? 
> just some thoughts on this in need of comments. 
> marc m. 
> geek #1055 
> (PI GEEK) 

Hi Marc, RWW, All, 

        I think that some of the confusion about what Tesla was trying to 
accomplish in his wireless energy transmission is that Tesla conceived of two 
DIFFERENT processes at DIFFERENT times. 
In patent 645,576 of 20 March 1900 , and patent 649,621 of 15 May 1900, he 
states specifically that these are for transmitting energy through the 
rarefied atmosphere, where the energy flows from an elevated terminal 
connected to the top of the coil. 
However, in patent 787,412 of 18 April 1905, and patent 1,119,732 of 1 
December 1914, he uses a coil similar to that described in his previous 
patents to transmit energy through the earth. In this case (e.g. 
Wardenclyffe) the top terminal is used as a reservoir (capacitor) charged to 
"hundreds of thousands or millions of volts" and the toroid shown in the 1914 
patent is specifically to PREVENT atmospheric breakout, as the USEFUL 
discharge is to be through the earth. 
        These are two radically different means of energy transmission, both 
 envisioned by Tesla using resonant coils. I believe that a lot of the 
confusion and disagreement comes from muddling these concepts together. I 
also suspect that when Oliver Heaviside and ArthurKennelly independently 
theorized the existence of the ionosphere in 1902, but at a much greater 
altitude than Tesla recommended for transmission (50 to 250 miles rather than 
8 to 15 miles), Tesla, recognizing the construction difficulties, may have 
set aside the first method in favor of the second. Prior to 1902, Tesla was 
pushing for the atmospheric transmission, after 1902 it was earth 
transmission. It could also explain why the Wardenclyffe tower was built at 
sea level rather than atop a mountain. 

Matt D.