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Re: barium titanate doorknob caps
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>
Hi Al,
I didn't mean to cutoff treads about buiding these caps. The problem was
with the "warning" thread for barium titanate. It seemed that the warning
"be careful with barium" was just being repeated over and over and over...
without any real new substance being added. I hope we can help you build
your caps, however telling you to be careful over and over and over looses
it's meaning after about the 20th post...
At 08:09 AM 4/22/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello Gary and Moderator. Gee whiz, I thought that trying to fabricate
>ones own capacitors was a real winner for the Tesla list. Regardless of
>the composition of the capacitor. Did you cut folks off when they were
>fabricating caps of aluminum and plastic? Or any other versions of home
>brewed caps??? Hey, I am just trying to learn something here, and the
>barium caps, and my own attempt to fabricate a home brew version of it
>have now been cut off??? Why? It is good to get feedback from list
>members on the hows and whys and possible dangers of trying to fabricate
>a homebrew cap. I consider this valuable input, since list members are
>applying their expertise to the idea of manufacturing ones own clay and
>conductive plate cap. And now you cut the thread just because you and
>Gary Et Al are convinced that there can be no better cap than your MMC's?
> My idea was to condense and nuke/bake a red clay/copper type of cap on a
>larger scale, (like a small cookie sheet size)....Sorry to see that you
>have closed your minds to an entirely different way of building your own
>caps. The chemical warnings posted by the list members are no different
>than a aluminum dust warning when fabricating a cap from aluminum. It
>would appear that you are afraid of or do not understand the
>ceramic/glass microwave fusion process, for if you did, you would not
>have cut this thread off. Look, Maybe I am wrong in my idea about
>capacitor fusion, but that should not let you eliminate others that may
>have some knowledge of glass/ceramic fusion from posting to the list.
>Hey, look , a lot of members of the list post about using microwave
>tranny's for their coils. So should homebrewed microwaved clay
>capacitors be outlawed???? You are doing yourself a great disservice.
>Be not in such a hurry to cut off a thread, for it may have some value in
>a way that is yet to be understood. Or is this list to be interrupted
>on the whim of one member, when others may see a greater value on
>continuation of the thread????? And I now address this to Gary Lau,
>why is this thread so tedious??? Probably because it contains no content
>of MMC's is my guess. Al.
>On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 19:50:22 -0600 "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>> Original poster: "Lau, Gary by way of Terry Fritz
>> <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <Gary.Lau-at-compaq-dot-com>
>> Can we just summarize by saying "don't eat your capacitors", and
>> please
>> end this very tedious thread?!
>> Gary Lau
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