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Re: solid state simulation
Original poster: "Malcolm Watts by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz>
Hi Terry,
On 3 Apr 01, at 13:11, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>
> HI Alan,
> At 04:49 PM 4/3/2001 +1200, you wrote:
> >Hi All!
> >
> >While thinking about computer simulation of the primary circuit, I
> >wondered, why can't you do that for real? (putting two back to back
> >zener diodes in for the static spark gap was not my idea, I read it
> >on this list ;-)
> Voltage devices like those will open up again once the voltage gets
> below their rating. So If it is set to 10000 volts, it will conduct
> at 11000 volts but will stop conducting again once the voltage lowers
> to 10000 volts. Spark gaps will super heat the gap and stay
> conducting right down to zero volts. They open for a short time when
> the current reaches zero and begin conducting again very soon after do
> to the hot plasma in the gap.
> It may be this zero crossing opening that gives the ring down the
> logarithmic shape. That log shape is far less pronounced in solid
> state gaps (see below).
Just one bone of contention: without exception, all ringdowns I've
captured which incorporate a gap are linear.