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D'oh! Dead NST!

    Hi all,

 Well, I got around to making 2 brand-spankin new toroids, 7x20 and
7x21 if my memory serves me right.  I stacked these up on my 8"
coil, and fired off the thing.  Ran great, got good hot 4' arcs all
over the garage door, lots o' ozone, a lot of crash-and-bang, and
life was good!  Then the sync gap sputtered, and output fell to
zip-point-zilch.  Post-mortems on the NST's in question weren't
good.  2 more died a pretty horrible death, carbon-tracking all the
way out to the bushing (I know this because one popped it was so
hot), and generally becoming useless.  I'm now down to 2 trannies
out of 6....12/60....ugh
 Needless to say, a measley 2' spark from a 12/60 bank isn't
impressive.  Especially when I have to back off to 1 toroid.... So
I'm gathering my resources, buying parts, and am planning a good
big coil.  Or at least a good 8" coil that really throws out hot
arcs.  I'm looking at tinkering with LTR caps at multi-kva levels.
Results on the small coils I run has been great, so I'm going to
try it on the big time.  I see the dead NST's not as a reason to
get upset, but to smile real sisinter and plan on bigger and better
coils :)

                                                Keep it safe!
