My new transformer
hi all,
I would like to ask to all the pros on the list one thing about a new
transformer I had from a friend.
The transf. is rated 3000 V if 100 V are applied .. he told me I can also
220 V in and get around 6000 V from the secondary cause margins are huge
It is also rated 50 VA (!) .and it is made with red resin
the question is "what if I put a variac between the primary of the transf.
and mains ?"
Is it possible I blow up something ?
I also would like to know how can I build a current limiter for this animal
(50 VA are not few)
cause I really do not know if this tr. is current limited...my suspect is
not, cause it was used in a "High Voltage Central" (He also has some 15
Kilos babes, but not for me at the moment)
I was with him in the central near two 2100 VA huge transf. that were
buzzing a lot...
tnx to all in advance for help