It sounds like you could use a better spark gap and a better capacitor. I
work on the spark gap first. Build a RQ gap with about 7 or 8 gaps spaced .025
on each gap. Mount the 3/4" x 2" copper tubing inside of a 4" dia x 6" long
pipe with a cooling fan on one end. Use a jumper wire to short out one gap at
a time to find out how many gaps your system needs to perform at its best
You may find for example your systems runs best with 6 gaps. You simply have
to experement to find out.
You are probably loosing 50% of your power in your salt water cap. The new
MMC caps look great and seem to work great. I have not tried them yet. Order
about 200 caps from a discount company and solder the required number of
caps in series/parallel to get the uf value and voltage rating you need for
I would experement with the top load. Try several different sizes and shapes
to see what gives you the best output. A top load with a smooth surface will
work the best. Wal Mart has some stainless salad bowls that are 8" diameter
and cost only a few dollars each. Put 2 salad bowls together in a toroid
You should get 5 or 6 multi streamers from the rim of the bowls.
With only 11 turns on your primary be careful not to get a top load that is too
large because you many not be able to keep the system in tune. If you have a
variac power the system down so the output sparks are only 1" long then move
the primary tap 1/8th turn at a time to find maximum output.
I would think you should be able to get 18" sparks from your 9K 30 ma neon
once you increase efficiency and reduce power losses.
Make sure you have a good ground on your secondary coil.
Gary Weaver
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Fucian-at-aol-dot-com
> Hi all,Im sure you all know me and my anoying questions about coils but I
> finally got my coil to work!It only puts out about 6 inch sparks and is loud
> as ____!Can anyone help me increase the spark output?Here are the specs so
> far------3by15inch secondary wound on a cardboard mailing tube wound with
> 24awg wire.690 turns and sealed with many coats of polyurathane.----The
> primary is a flat spiral wound on a birch wood board.It is 1/4 inch copper
> tubing and is 11 turns.It is secured with many tie wraps tied over the
> tubeing where normal supports would go.---the capacitor is 3 1liter wine
> bottle salts.------the spark gap is only two bolts screwed in a pvc
> pipe.(need a new kind as it now is melted!)-----and finaly the power supply
> is a 9000 volt30ma nst and no protection.The toplaod is a small ,very small
> homemade one made from 2 plastic throwaway bowls.