
Re: weird primary design

Hi Terry, Matt, all, 

>Comments below: 
>>since I dont have any access to a saw or a drill press,I was wondering if I 
>>could take my main 2ft by 2ft board and drill holes where the normal primary 
>>wire supports would be.Then I would simply put wire ties on each set of
>>thus holding down a turn of the primary.Any one know how to preform the 
>>primary or know any other alternatives to this since I dont have a saw for 
>>cutting slats or a drill press for drilling precise holes? 
>Anything that will hold the spiral into shape without conducting 
>electricity will be fine.  A few people have managed not to have any 
>support, just a spiral lying on plastic.  However, that seems really hard 
>to get just right.   Even electrical tape may be a thought. 
>Tye-wraps have been used by many people with great success.  You will need 
>a lot of them...  Do not get the black UV type.  They may contain 
>conductive carbon. 
>        Terry

I agree that anything non-conductive can be used. I use wooden forms for my
primarys and they've worked just fine. Always seal the finished product
with a poly coat or varnish before winding. I also used ty-wraps (even
black ty-wraps) and never had a problem. If you use ty-wraps, I recommend
the 1/4" width. Only one hole is needed per turn/runner joint. A through
hole is drilled - the ty-wrap is fed up from the bottom through the hole -
around the primary turn - and back down the same hole - then locked on the
bottom. Actually, turns out very neat and tidy and secure - also, as long
as the drilled hole is "just" large enough to feed the ty-wrap through, the
ty-wraps act as standoffs from the runner by about 1/8 inch when used with
this method. 

