
Re: VTTC + YU-204 data

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Herwig Roscher" <herwig.roscher-at-gmx.de>
> Dr. Resonance wrote:
> > Start with a height to dia ratio of 11:1 or 12:1.....
> Hi Dr. Resonance,
> Thank you very much for your advice. As I've got the tube data
> today, detailled planning can start now.
> The YU-204 is an improved 4PR-1000A (Radial Beam Pulse
> Tetrode). Max.ratings for oscillator use are:
> Peak DC Plate Voltage   20 kV
> DC Screen Voltage               2.5 kV
> DC Grid Voltage                 1 kV
> Peak Cathode Current            12 A
> Plate Dissipation                       1 kW
> Screen Dissipation                      75 W
> Grid Dissipation                        25 W
> Highest Frequency                       110 MHz
> Amplification Factor Grid to Screen is 6.9
> Filament Current -at- 5.0 V is 21.4 A (nom. Filament Voltage is 7.5
> V)
> I'm planning on using 2 MOTs 1800 V / 1300 VA and a voltage
> doubler in order to get about 10 kVDC, but I'm afraid that this is not
> enough to power up this monster. Should I look for a smaller tube?

	No. Should work fine at lower power level, and will probably do just
fine at 10 kV.  
