
Re: Super fast E-Tesla5 in "C"

Hi Marc,

At 11:21 AM 6/5/00 -0400, you wrote:
>terry and all,
>the problems of the energy distribution along the secondary are really
>not that hard to visualize, but i am sure harder to model.

Not really, the computer does all the work ;-)

>if you follow my folded sock principal of the energy propagation along
>the secondary coil, you'll see that the energy is concentrated at the
>folding point at the bottom of the e field and should also concentrate
>at the points of the resonating wave of the coil itself.
>the fact that the e-field is effected by surrounding objects can be seen
>if you visualize the total e-feild in a given area.energy is attracted
>to energy and in that sense there is no such thing as solid matter, only
>solid energy. all of matter is nothing more then tightly bonded
>energy,"an atom is energy, a molecule is tightly bonded atoms, ect.".

Fortunately, the problem at hand is far more "macroscopic" than that.  When
E-Tesla starts dealing with individual atoms, I think we will have gone a
bit tooooooo far!

>if you visualize the e-feild surrounding say the area in a room, then
>this field folds in and expands out around any object, dust particle,
>ect. since nature always strives for equality at all times, this field
>is in constant motion. if you think of the lines of this field as say a
>contour map then these contours are always changing. the streamer
>discharge is created a one point because the coil or top load charges
>this field to the point where the surrounding field or lines are brought
>into a line at the point of discharge allowing the discharge to escape
>along this line. ounce this line is excited above equality, it forces
>the folds out into another line point along the e-feild of the top load,
>trying to find equality then the discharge follows this new line causing
>the discharge to breakout at a different point of the top load. charge-
>drain- charge so to speak.

The problem is definitely an energy conservation one.  If the energy is not
in the form of current in an inductor, it is in the form of voltage in the
coil's distributed capacitance.  That is really the key in finding the
voltage distribution along the secondary, keeping track of how and where
the energy is being stored.

>any object in the vicinity of the coil effects the coils e-feild due to
>it's own energy folds surrounding it. these energy line disruptions
>extend farther out from the highly excited coil  then just locally, i'm
>sure that it is on the order of the" butterfly effect" in the chaos
>principal. the charging of a coil without breakout effects the lines of
>force extending for miles around.

I am not sure about the butterfly thing...  But the surrounding objects
affect the capacitance and thus the energy storage at different points
along the secondary which determines the voltage at those points.

>as i ounce told you i can visualize much better then i can explain in
>words. but just as the charging of a capacitor changes the capacitance
>of the surrounding atmosphere "if even only at a extremely small
>distance" the change is there.

Visualization is very important.  My present work is based on the
"Malcolm's Ruler" physical model to help determine the equivalent
electrical parameters.  

Changes at the level of 10^-6 and such are not important from a practical
point of view.  I am just trying to break the 1% barrier right now :-))

>this is my 2 cents worth and i'm sure there are many that will dispute
>or ignore it, but I'm sure that eventually it will prove to be the case.

It will...  


