Re: Dielectric Constant?/Gasoline Arc
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Dielectric Constant?/Gasoline Arc
From: "harvey norris" <harvich@yahoo.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 07:56:26 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
--- Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original Poster: Hollmike@aol.com
> In a message dated 6/4/2000 7:30:34 PM Mountain
> Daylight Time,
> tesla@pupman.com writes:
> > Thus using this method a straight arc
> > to water can be made. The question now becomes
> what
> > will happen when this is attempted with gasoline.
> Will
> > the oxidation energy be more rapidly increased in
> time
> > by the rapid fire BPS? Can the amount of energy
> > contained in a substance be more rapidly released
> > under high frequency/ high voltage electric field
> > circumstances? There are some who believe this
> occurs
> > in an atomic bomb as a byproduct, where the
> explosives
> > used for the detonation suddenly release their
> energy
> > in an exceedingly small time period as catalyzed
> by
> > the fission reaction it starts. Anyways I would
> like
> > some opinions before this is attempted. I will
> > definitely film the first try, if something
> explosive
> > happens it may not be so repeatable. HDN
> >
> Harvey,
> Due to the ions formed during combustion, I
> would expect the spark gap
> to be essentially shorted out once the gasoline
> begins to burn.
I have indicated the direct short will be taken out of
the picture.The non linear dielectric medium approach
will be used.
> Whether or
> not this would increase the the combustion rate is
> hard to say. I think the
> availabe oxygen would have a much greater impact on
> the rate of combustion
> that the ignition source.
> Mike
This is the expected astute observation. However the
low resistance ionization path you speak of will
always have a barrier of a non linear dielectric
pathway in this example. That ionization path is being
prevented, when this is done, the source voltages from
2 180 phased series resonances do not effectively
short out and become to nothing. This of course is the
meaning of an unobvious voltage potential which is
more revealed in its ability to conduct displacement
currents across a nonlinear dielectric medium. In the
case I am talking about I have been able to use this
as a significant advance over other arc gap methods,
which now seem to be many. By preventing an actual arc
pathway to exist across the entire medium is
equivalent to allowing displacement curents to do that
portion of conduction, at that frequency determined by
that charging time.This results in higher BPS values,
essentially a very clean high frequency made by spark
methods, an advance made according to that
understanding. Thus nonlinear dielectric K value
pathways may provide some unusual signals to any scope
sensor above those fields. This is kind of the problem
I may have encountered with off phase scope readings,
perhaps all the parameters are not brought into the
total picture. HDN
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