Re: Dielectric Constant?/Gasoline Arc
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Dielectric Constant?/Gasoline Arc
From: "harvey norris" <harvich@yahoo.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 18:26:37 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
--- Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original Poster: "Steve"
> <Steve@g8cyerichmond.freeserve.co.uk>
> The dielectric constant of engine oil is
> approximately 2. I haven't used it
> myself, but I would be worried about the various
> additives, you may well
> find that the puncture voltage is not that high.
Here is a URL for dielectric constants. I see that
gasoline is listed at 2.
<http://www.asiinstr.com/dc1.html> Now if we take a
match to a glass of gasoline, it simply burns, it does
not explode. A lot of energy may exist in that glass,
but it is the slow rate of conversion of chemical
energy into heat that accounts for this flame. If one
could make the oxidation occur at an increased rate,
one would expect a more instaneous release of energy.
Now what comes to mind is what tesla spoke of
concerning the possibilities involved when a large
amount of energy conversion takes place in a miniscule
amount of time. This kind of thing seems possible and
was accidentally noted to happen when a mistuned
secondary is made to strike itself at the proper
quarter wavelength point. I have not yet done the math
on my mistake, but this occured on a mistuned coil I
had built.I was getting ready to finish this work
designated as the 666 file on my messageboard when I
found the service has inadvertantly erased most of my
previous entries, including that one. Those mistuned
discharges striking back on a secondary were many more
times powerful than the actual mistuned arcs, and
appeared as thicker white like lightning bolts. What I
would like to understand is this BPS thing. In vhs
tapings made of this mistuned sytem in 92(Large
outside 10 ft diameter coil interfacing with more
conventional design) the arcs are shown going to each
system, irregardless of their polarity designations,
and one arc is seen to be more powerful in its correct
polarity designation than the incorrect. From a quick
review of taping, the pause frames seem to indicate
that when an arc is seen on the primary arc gap, none
is present on the secondary terminals. Is this to be
indicative of what a mistuned system will act like in
time? From what I have been able to observe by taping
a scope sweep rate of 2ms/div the pause frames of a
VCR recording appear to coincide roughly to the 16.6
ms cycle time of a 60 hz signal. Now if this is true
then that most static gap systems fire at 120 BPS, if
I were to film a tuned coil system, shouldnt I still
expect to see a time difference between the primary
firing and that of the secondary? doesnt that
secondary firing have to be at the same BPS and ninety
or possibly even 180 out of phase with the primary
firing? If it were close to 180 as current actions
show in a parallel resonance, those arcs filmed in
time should be near simultaneous, correct? Only asking
for comments by those more in the know.What I have
done with water is to create a means of using a needle
discharge as an effective arc gap to create a high
frequency oscillation with a very large BPS rate in
excess of 120.(This is only a large induction coil
effect at present) The needle and a glass of water
represents a very small capacity that is charged in a
very small time period. It is these repeating arcs
that show as the high BPS spikes recorded at 2ms/div
on scope observations. In this instance the return
current is made through the glass itself as
displacement current, also theorized as occuring
through the several inches depth of water in the
glass. This is different from the ball discharge photo
Now the foil to bottom plate connection to water is
removed. These are not big discharges but very rapid
as to appear almost continuously. Since this is such
as small capacity it charges quickly. The opposite
terminal simply consists of the metal plate the glass
rests on. These conditions are similar to previous
ball discharge photo, but the electrical connection to
water is removed.Thus using this method a straight arc
to water can be made. The question now becomes what
will happen when this is attempted with gasoline. Will
the oxidation energy be more rapidly increased in time
by the rapid fire BPS? Can the amount of energy
contained in a substance be more rapidly released
under high frequency/ high voltage electric field
circumstances? There are some who believe this occurs
in an atomic bomb as a byproduct, where the explosives
used for the detonation suddenly release their energy
in an exceedingly small time period as catalyzed by
the fission reaction it starts. Anyways I would like
some opinions before this is attempted. I will
definitely film the first try, if something explosive
happens it may not be so repeatable. HDN
Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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