From primary to top terminal
Hi guys!
This post contains my background thinking, and ends with a question, and
an excuse!
Now that my brother has got an interest in making the etesla5x run
faster, we talk about how a TC actually works. I`m not at much help,
since my understanding is flaky, but he keeps saying things like: of
course the secondary is a transmissionline, and: of course there is
going to be some turns ratio relationships btwn. primary and secondary
voltages. He used to work with radar and the like in his youth.
My argument against the turns ratio relationship has been that of energy
conservation: the secondary cannot build up a greater voltage than that
allowed by the available energy, and the capacity of the top terminal.
(minus some part that gets stuck, charging the self-c, med-c or
intrinsic-c or whatever(over my head)).
On the way to the gastank, for cigarettes, this thought struck me: If I
was going to charge a cap to some voltage, with an ordinary transformer,
I would probably not want to use a 20 kV transformer to reach a voltage
of, say, 4 kV would I?. It seems as It would be more appropriate to use
a 4 kV transformer for that job.
So the question that I arrived at is this:
Will a Teslacoil benefit from being built so that the voltage attainable
by the rule of turns ratio btwn. primary and secondary matches the
voltage that can be attained by the rule of conservation of energy?
Pls. forgive my ignorance in electronic circuit theory, I am mechanical,
not EE.
Cheers, Finn Hammer