Re: electronic neon transformers
If you rectify the output for DC you should put a diode in
reverse polarity across the DC. This will kelp kill the RF spikes,
but you'll also need a good cap to suck up the RF that's going to
try and feedback into your HV supply. Hey if the electronics neon
supply is cheap enuf then go for it. It may fry, but then you'll
have the satrasfaction of having killed it yourself. Of coarse the
last time I checked a new electric neon suplpy cost the same as a
new 15Kv 30ma at www.justneon.com
Member of The Oklahoma Tesla Coil Builders
> If the output from an electronic neon was rectified and suitably
> from the rf, probably by large chokes on the dc side, could one
use an
> electronic neon in a tc?
> I cannot see why not, unless 32kHz presents any problems for the
> that I am unaware of ?
> The electronic units are quite cheap for their power output
> conventional transformers and have adjustable voltage and current
> making them more versatile than the conventional units - the unit
I have seen
> could be programmed to go from 3-9kV and 30-60ma.
> Hoping For the future
> Nick Field