MMC caps
Hi all;
After messing (literally) with salt water and about 5 different
varieties of plate caps, I have decided that it is in the best interest
of my sanity to go to an MMC. Right now, I'm running a 15/30 NST so I
only need about .005 uF. Here's what I'm thinkin:
15000*1.5=22500 peak to peak +some extra.
22.5KV / 1.5 KV(rated dc)=15 caps. I'd like several strings between
.0025 and .005, for future expansion.
tot.cap *number = value of each cap
.0025 *15 =.0375 uf \
-- anywhere in this range should be good?
.005 *15 =.075 uf /
The big question. Where can I find 100 (I'd like some extras for EMMC
testing) 1.5KVDC Polypropylene caps rated between .0375 and .075 uF in
the United States? (I wish I was on the other side so I could have taken
part in the "UK bulk buy")
Thank you very much,
Jason Raycroft