
Re: Effect of metal parts under the primary, was Digital Camera acidtest.

In a message dated 00-02-28 08:10:13 EST, you write:

> Gotta ask this, I've wondered about if for some time now, many coilers
> have the primary placed on a platform some inches above the primary HV
> stuff (transformer, cables, filters, SG, caps) i.e. lots of metal
> down there...
> That should pose quite a loss, with all those eddy currents generated and
> voltages induced in the metal below the primary? Or does it?
>  Jan Florian Wagner >>


It depends on how close the metal is to the primary, and how much
metal is there.  When I mounted my gap, cap and NST, etc closer
below my primary in my new TT-42 TC, it did not harm the 
performance.  I still get 42" sparks from the 12/30 NST.


John Freau